How do I print the shipping label?

Customer Success

With PayOnDelivery, there are a few different ways in which shipping can take place.

SameDay delivery is our most popular and most efficient way of shipping. It allows you to ship your item and the buyer to receive their item on the same day. FedEx will come and pick up the package at your doorstep and deliver to the doorstep of the buyer. If you have a printer, then you can simply print out the label and tape it to your package and wait for the courier to come pick up your package. If you don't have a printer, no worries! FedEx couriers can help you write up your label from scratch at your door and still ship your item the SameDay!

With regular shipping, you can take your item to the nearest FedEx shipping centre, give the FedEx personnel your shipping number. They will package the item and print out the shipping label for you.

If you have a printer at home and would rather print the label yourself, go ahead - and then simply drop it off at the front desk of your local FedEx store!