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How does PayOnDelivery Work? - For sellers.
How does PayOnDelivery Work? - For sellers.
Written by Jeff Fashakin
Updated over a week ago

Payment Link

Create a payment link and post it on your listing or send it to your buyer. Once the buyer clicks on the payment button you get a notification to ship the item.

Payment Pending

Payment for the item is secured in the buyer’s account. The transaction is pending until the item is delivered. Think of us as the trusted broker holding onto the money until the sale happens on the terms agreed.

Get ready for Delivery services

Once the offer is accepted, prepare your package and wait for FedEx or Postmates to come pick up the package from the address provided.

Product Shipped and Delivered

With Same day delivery, the product gets delivered in as little as two hours! FedEx and Postmates makes sure that your buyer gets the item faster.

Get Paid

24 hours after delivery, the transaction is complete! Your payment gets deposited into your bank account.

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