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How does PayOnDelivery work? - For Buyers.
How does PayOnDelivery work? - For Buyers.
Written by Jeff Fashakin
Updated over a week ago

Create an offer and send to the seller

Sign into your PayOnDelivery account. Send the offer to the seller to complete the transaction.

Seller accepts your offer

Seller accepts and enters the location they’re be shipping from.

Pick your shipping method

Once we have the seller’s location, you’ll get a notification to pick your preferred shipping method. You can get your item delivered in as little as 2 hours! (powered by Postmates SameDay). You also have a nationwide shipping option (FedEx).

Item Shipped to you

Your item is shipped to you. You do not pay until after the item is delivered. Payment for the item is held in your account until item delivery is confirmed.

Your item is delivered!

Once your item is delivered, make sure that it fits the description and pictures you agreed with your seller. Transaction is complete!

If you have any issues with the item, just log in to your PayOnDelivery account, print the return label that is available for 24 hours after delivery, and wait for the item to get returned to the seller.

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